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The Rio Linda News

Woman Dies from Lead Poisoning Using Product from Vietnam

Apr 03, 2024 03:15PM ● By Sacramento County News Release
The lead-containing hemorrhoid ointment. Photo courtesy of Sacramento County

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - A woman in Sacramento developed severe lead poisoning and died after using a hemorrhoid ointment from Vietnam called “Cao Boi Tri Cay Thau Dau.”

The California Department of Public Health tested a sample of the hemorrhoid ointment and found that it contained four-percent lead, a highly dangerous amount of lead. Lead is toxic and exposure to any amount of lead can harm health.

The woman purchased the ointment on Facebook, and it was mailed to the U.S. by a relative in Vietnam. It is currently unclear if people can directly buy this ointment in the U.S.

Advice to Consumers

-Do not purchase or use this hemorrhoid ointment.

-If you are using this ointment, stop using it immediately.

-If you have used this ointment, see your doctor and get your blood tested for lead.

-If you have this ointment, put the ointment in a sealed plastic bag and contact (510) 620-3620 or email [email protected].

Signs and Symptoms of Lead Poisoning

Symptoms of lead poisoning can vary person to person. Symptoms can depend on the amount of lead in a product and how often it is used and for how long.

General Signs and Symptoms from Lead Exposure

Mild: Fatigue; Irritability or mood swings; Difficulty concentrating; Difficulty sleeping

Moderate: Muscle or joint pain; Nausea — decreased appetite; Stomach cramps; Constipation or diarrhea; Feeling tired or sleepy; Headache; Tremor

Severe: Severe stomach cramping; Pins and needles, tingling, burning or numbness in the hands; seizures, coma, and death

Blood lead testing is the best method for identifying lead exposure. People who use this ointment should stop using it and have their blood tested for lead. Because other household members could come into contact with the ointment, all household members should have their blood lead tested, especially children. Children are the most sensitive because their bodies are rapidly developing and more susceptible to taking in lead if exposed.


For more information, please contact [email protected] or call (510) 620-3620.

For medical consultation, please call California Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222.